Alus SPA

Even the ancient people knew about the health benefits of beer when it was used to treat uroliths, infarction, cholera, depression, cardiovascular diseases, thrombus and other indispositions as well as for treatment of general body weakness after excessive physical load.
Beer is the only product capable of removing aluminium from the body. Moreover, beer also removes heavy metals from the body.
No matter what they say about beer worldwide, in our country they do not speak much about it, they simply drink it. And they are right, since beer does have apparent medicinal characteristics. The question is what kind of characteristics we are talking about here.
Beer is the only beverage in which hop-derived bitter compounds are not only pleasant to the taste, but also have the calming and hypnotic effect on the human body, reduce pain, improve digestion, and prevent plaque formation. Hops are valuable medicinal plants the good characteristics of which feature in beer. Hop-derived bitter compounds activate the release of gastric acid and suppress undesirable effects of alcohol in beer.



From the point of view of physiologists, beer is one of the most balanced beverages having favourable effects on metabolism and being a source of vitamins. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and H contained in beer are good for our nervous system. They have favourable effects on hair growth and improve the health of the scalp. Vitamin B6 prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamins contribute to formation of red blood cells. The content of Vitamin C in beer is approximately 20-50 mg/l. One litre of beer contains approximately 70% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. To supply the body with the required quantity of niacin and folic acid, it is necessary to drink half a glass of beer a day.

Having drunk 1 litre of beer, a person gets 20% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin B2 and 32% of Vitamin B6. One litre of beer contains 40% of the recommended daily intake of vitamins – 0.2 mg of Vitamin B3, 0.3 mg of Vitamin B6 and 6.5 mg of Vitamin PP.

© Beer SPA ®, Nesankcionēta pārpublicēšana tiks uzskatīta par autortiesību pārkāpumu.© SIA Zīmols izstrāde